Signs of Common Health Problems Georgia Pigeons May Have

While the diseases that you can acquire from the Columbus pigeons are rarely life threatening, you still need to watch out from the signs of a sick pigeon. There are instances that the condition can be so severe that it leads to death. However, not all sickness of the pigeon are viral, sometimes it can be caused by a bacterial infection or a parasite.

Symptoms of a Sick Pigeon

Being aware of the symptoms of their sickness will enable you to get a hint on the health condition of the Georgia pigeons. There are simple sicknesses that can easily be cured by pigeon medicine. However, there are also others that will be fatal for the creatures. In case you have a pet pigeon or you are experiencing an infestation, you will find this article vital.

Signs of Candida Disease

This is a yeast infection that is caused by Candida Albicans. This yeast will normally be present in the digestive tract of the Columbus bird. There are times that it will cause problems in the respiratory system and digestive system of the pigeon. The infection can also manifests in the reproductive system, feathers, eyes, and skins. Pigeons that have this disease will experience a stunted growth. In order to properly diagnose this disease, the throat of the pigeon will have to be inspected on a microscopic level.

Signs of Coccidiosis

This is one of the most common Georgia pigeon diseases. It is also known to be very infectious. This disease will be caused by a protozoan that specifically attacks the pigeon’s intestines. The little pigeons are normally the most affected. Pigeons that have been exposed to heightened level of stress have developed immunity against this disease. The pigeons can acquire this if they drink water that has been contaminated with the protozoan. Once infected the pigeon will show signs such as loss of appetite, watery and greenish poop, being unresponsive, and weight loss. 


It is highly essential to be aware of the symptoms of Ornithosis since this can be transferred to our Georgia pets and to humans. This can be contracted through an exposure to the microorganism known as Chlamydia Psittaci that will parasitically invade our cells. The healthy pigeons can catch this disease when they inhaled a dust which has this pathogen or in case they ingested a contaminated water or food. The symptoms of this disease will depend whether the disease is chronic or acute. The chronic type will not show any symptoms and will often affect the older pigeon. On the other hand, the acute Ornithosis will show signs such as diarrhea, wheezing, and conjunctivitis. 

In the event that you noticed these signs on your pet Columbus pigeon or on the pigeon that is infesting your yard, be sure to seek professional help. Most of this disease can be cured by a specific medicine. However, in the case of a feral pigeon, you may want to keep away from them and allow the wildlife rehabilitator to deal with them.

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